Welcome to UA Local 325!
We are very excited to launch this website. We hope to provide a valuable resource to our Members, as well as others who are interested in the plumbing and pipe fitting industry.
We at U.A. Local 325 are proud of the remarkable work of members past and present who have dedicated themselves to the movement as staunch advocates for the interests of workers. Our Members demonstrate a high degree of quality craftsmanship necessary to construct the homes, schools, office buildings, refineries, power plants and industrial facilities.

The United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada, or “UA” as it is commonly known, was a pioneer that recognized no political or geographic boundaries between Canada and the United States of America.
With expanded training programs and education we are ready to move forward into the future, maintaining the high standards required in today’s highly technical and changing workplace.
By means of a strong strategic plan U.A. Local 325 will endeavour to keep acquiring a larger share of the construction market and growing our membership within our jurisdiction.
We have established a legacy that future generations of Local 325 can be proud of and build upon.

Check Out The Pipe Connection
The Pipe Connection
Connecting Members of UA Local 325 - Fall 2014
Raccordement De La Tuyauterie
Rassembler Les Membres Du Local 325 - Automne 2014